📄️ Kits
Kits allow you to make kits with custom inventories, knockback profiles, and attributes,
📄️ Arenas
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📄️ Events
Events allow you to host and manage events on your server,
📄️ Tournaments
Tournaments in Bolt, are a way for people to test out their skills against other players in a competitive environment,
📄️ Cosmetics
Cosmetics allow you to add customization to your players experience by adding,
📄️ Queues
Queues in Bolt, are seperated into 2 types: Unranked, and Ranked,
📄️ Bots
Bots in Bolt ONLY work on 1.8 NOT on 1.9+
📄️ Parties
Parties in Bolt are a way for people to make private matches and games,
📄️ Profiles
The profile menu in Bolt, allows the player to view crutial information about their statistics, match history,
📄️ Admin
📄️ Divisions
Divisions is a rank system inside of Bolt, they are used to separate players based on their elo or Wins/Kills ETC.