The plugin automatically creates a new empty world with the arena's name
The world will have a stone block at Y = 128, which is also the default spawn location of the world
Paste your schematic in the world
Set the bounds of the arena:
Use /arena pos1 <arena> to set the lowest corner of the arena (Required)
Use /arena pos2 <arena> to set the highest corner of the arena (Required)
Use /arena setspawn <arena> to set the location where players will spawn after joining
Use /arena setGameHeight <arena> to set the Y-level where players should be taken as in-game
When player goes below the configured Y-level, they'll automatically receive the kit and will
be set as in-game.
Use /arena setKit <arena> <kit> to set the kit for the arena
Use /arena setBuildLimit <arena> to set the build Y-limit for the arena (Optional)
This step is optional, but if you dont want your players to be able
to build to spawn, I recommend setting this.
Use /arena setDeathHeight <arena> to set the Y-level where players will die (Optional)
By default, players die at Y-level 0
Use /arena saveAll to manually save all arenas (Optional)
Restart the server after creating at least one arena
You do not need to restart after creating every single arena.
Just make sure to restart after you create the first arena to prevent errors
(doesnt matter whether you restart after creating all arenas or after creating the first arena)