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Two factor authentication provides staff members and players with a way to secure their account.

Authenication Types

QRCodeAuth using an authenticator app.Google Authenticator, Authy, 1Password, etc.
YubiKeyAuth using a USB security key by Yubico.A YubiKey.
DiscordReceive a Discord DM with your auth code.Phoenix's pxDiscord addon.

Force 2FA

You can require players to setup two factor authentication by adding core.2fa to their profile or to their rank.


<> = Required [] = Optional

/2fasetup <type>core.2faSets up 2FA using the desired type.
/2fa <code>core.2faTries to authenticate using the specified code.
/2fa requestcore.2faRequests your discord 2FA code (Requires pxDiscord).
/force2fa <player>core.command.force2faForces a player to setup 2FA.
/reset2fa <player>core.command.reset2faResets a player's 2FA.